Become a Member
Dorset Chamber Orchestra includes amateur, semi-professional and professional players. No subscription is currently required to play, although we keep the policy under review.
Vacancies arise from time to time.
At present we have vacancies for violas and double basses.
We perform four concerts a year, each with a compressed rehearsal schedule. Accordingly any candidate must be sufficiently competent and confident as an orchestral player to achieve performance standard with limited rehearsal time.
If you wish to join the Orchestra, and are of a standard where you could consider a career in music performance (as a professional player and/or instrumental teacher) we will be very pleased to hear from you.
Please contact us here
Prospective section principals and wind and brass players may be required to undertake an audition, either by an unedited audio or video recording, or in-person with our Music Director and two other players.
Most players may expect to join on a 12 month probationary period.